Hi all
Many of you are interested and affected parties to Eskom’s two proposals, I wish to share the following with you.
- Stanford Birding is a registered I&AP
- Tourism is the greatest contributor SA’s GDP
- Birding is the fastest growing form of International Tourism
- SA Tourism against Eskom/Govt nuclear proposal 4 Pearly Beach
- It seems apparent, the applicant in the case of the Nuclear Power Station, is Eskom backed by the current govt.
- Therefore, by association, the applicant in the case of the transmission lines is also Eskom backed by the current govt. The irony, in this case, is that it is the current govt., albeit a different department, i.e., is the one who has final approval. [Makes me feel like a prawn in a game of Chinese Checkers! ]
- Everyone working at the PPP (Public Participation Process) is on the payroll for either Eskom or the Govt.
Hi everyone,
My observations of some of the points that were raised at the Stanford meeting of yesterday are as follows
* On question of separate EIA’s for power station and power lines.
This appears to be a very sensitive point for Eskom and they could
not come up with acceptable answers except that the two projects
are handled independently by two different entities; power station
by Eskom Generation and the lines by Eskom Transmission. (These
are however two divisions or companies in the Eskom Group.) *This
is a point that we can further hammer them on* *during upcoming
* The question of the ABI alternative and community involvement in
identifying alternative routes _before_ any draft scoping report
can be put on the table. Arcus Gibb agreed that if we, as a
community, can come up with other alternative corridors that
should be considered we can do so. They also agreed that if we
write to them they will suggest to Eskom and the DEAT that enough
time is given to the community to do so. They said however that a
final answer would only be forthcoming by middle April. They
emphasized that the proposal must come from a broad based group
(probably involving ABI and all the various action groups
currently in the area) - I guess that this may be considered to be
a concession on their side but will only be of use if they give us
months rather than a few weeks to do so. Important to emphasize a
few points on this subject at upcoming meetings (1) *that we
should be given sufficient time* since we have asked for this
since August last year without receiving acceptable responses. (2)
That we require an *answer much sooner* than two weeks before the
current deadline for comments on the draft report. Ask why rush
into this thing since the building of a nuclear power station is
now a project which has no doubt been delayed by a number of years
if not more.
* At the Villiersdorp meeting there appears to have been a
misunderstanding. There is no decision to build three smaller
nuclear plants at all three sites. The purpose of the power
station EIA is still to identify the most suitable site for the
first power station. However if one site is chosen, it does not
mean that the other two will not be used in future since the
government’s current long term strategy calls for the construction
of at least three nuclear stations in the longer term, probably 20
or more years.
* NMA made the point that they engaged all the major strategic role
players in our community during the process so far. Following a
request they undertook to supply us with a list of all these
organizations with details about the meetings/workshops they had
so far.
* I think there is still confusion about the feasibility of running
all 6 the lines originating at the power station (the 4 to Kappa
and the 2 to Bacchus) in one corridor until they are out of the
Strandveld area. *Try to get clarity.*
* The question of including the possibility of using of underground
lines in the Scoping study. It appears that it is only a matter of
economics. However the power station will cost about R300 billion
excluding power lines (reasonably accurate figure) while power
lines cost R1-2 million per kilometer (guess). Underground lines
are ten times more expensive (Eskom figure). If it takes 30 or 40
kilometers to get outside of the Strandveld/Agulhas plain area the
incremental cost of the entire project will increase by R800
million which represents only 0.3% of the cost of the entire
project. In the books of Eskom Transmission the R800 million will
off course be a much larger proportion of the cost of their
transmission line project. This is therefore another reason they
should adopt an integrated approach (power station and lines
together). *My suggestion is that we hammer them further on this
issue at upcoming meetings.***
* *
There was a lot more points raised and anybody with further suggestions of matters to be raised at the upcoming meetings please circulate them (or send them to me and I will circulate them)
Posbus 872,
_Stanford_, 7210
Tel 028 388 0275
Faks 028 388 0831 of 0866 07 1946
Sel 082 554 1762
epos daniemay@omail.co.za <mailto:daniemay@omail.co.za>
Bruce Castle
Cell: 0721351687
Tel: 0283410570
Nuclear Power Station news from Platbos Forest Newsletter | |
ESKOM is forging ahead with its plan to build a Nuclear Power Station on one of three locations in the country. Bantamsklip near | |
| You can register through NMA Effective Social Strategists: 011 447 9737 / email: theoh@nma.org.za. Shortly, we will post a link on our Global Warming Page which will provide updates, meetings, and environmental data around the proposed Bantamsklip Nuclear Power Station and its Transmission lines. |
Interesting Links:
Philippa Elaine Castle Throughly enjoyed her long walk with Lisa Lopion, 6 Whippets and a Jack Russel, along the Pearly Beach coastline to the proposed Nuclear Power Development site!
March 22 at 11:09pm · Comment · LikeUnlike · Show Feedback (4)Hide Feedback (4)
You and Francois Normandeau like this.
Francois Normandeau likes this.
Sorry to hear about the proposed Nuclear Power Development! but I am glad that you enjoyed your walk :-)
Don't be sorry, help me stop it... :-)
Oh Phillipa, I am dealing with my country's own environmental problems... this week I learned that local fishermen are harpooning dolphins and are using them for shark bites. I do research on wild dolphins and these findings are very disturbing. When I read your post, my first thought was that the planet needs lots of help! I need help to resolve this situation and I haven't figure out what to do...
Philippa Elaine Castle I am the self-proclaimed protector of the birdlife and their habitat conservation in our Internationally proclaimed Important Birding Area, home to the Blue Crane, South Africa 's endangered National Bird.
I will dance, I will prance, I will even sing is push comes to shove, I will stamp my feet and I will beat my drum!
What else can I do to protect this most beautiful part of Southern Africa from destruction by power-hungry masses of humanity and the select few who profit substantially from selling such power?
Source: www.youtube.com
The song Angel, written and recorded by Johannes Basson, inspired me to put some of my own pictures together... some pictures were taken by
March 22 at 8:54am · Comment · LikeUnlike · Share
Philippa Elaine Castle How the Dickens is Stanford's Twiggy going to get the support of SITES, WWF, Green Peace & the Prince of Wales to prevent Nuclear Development at Pearly Beach ?
Mark's and Spencer Lighthouse Advert (2008)
Source: www.youtube.com
The New advert for Marks and Spencer in regards to their new season clothing collection. With Twiggy Lawson, Erin O'Connor, Noemie Lenoir, Elizabeth Jagger and Myleene Klass.
March 22 at 1:15am · Comment · LikeUnlike · Share
Philippa Elaine Castle is dancing on sunshine...
Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation
Kalil Gibran
Yesterday at 9:56am · Comment · LikeUnlike · Show Feedback (1)Hide Feedback (1)
You and Anina Stenvert like this.
Anina Stenvert likes this.
Johannes Basson is happy to kick ass allot
March 17 at 12:25pm · Comment · LikeUnlike
Stanford Glendower Bird Fair Committee
Email info@stanfordbirding.co.za
Website www.stanfordbirding.co.za
Tel 028 341 0570
Mobile 082 943 4327
Blog www.stanfordbirds.blogspot.com
p.s. it does not matter which way the wind blows… any wind will do!
P Consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?
From: Royd Frith [mailto:roydf@mweb.co.za]
Sent: 26 March 2009 06:09 PM
To: Royd Frith; peter hood; Elsa; dave mccarthy; Lindsay Frith; philippa castle
Cc: dave mccarthy; Allan Youens; Boet and Margaret Heese; David & Tessa Foreman; Deon Krige; Dick & Elspeth Ivey; Elaine Teague; Elzane Steynberg; Kathy Bullock; Lindsay Frith; Margaret Sommerville;
Subject: Fw:
----- Original Message -----
From: The Junk Shop
To: Royd Frith ; Hanli Allan ; Ansie ; Ena Booyse ; Kerry Brokensha ; Joan Carboni ; Philippa Castle ; Elsa Gebhard ; Sally & Peter Hood ; Cathy Hornby ; Ian & Elma Hunter ; Beryl Maxwell ; Annalize Mouton ; Nadia & Jan ; Robyn Nel ; Martin & Annie Ranger ; Alexandra ; Michael Thompson ; Maureen Wolters ; Peter Wolters
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 4:20 PM
By Candle Light
Join 100 Million People
World wide
Saturday: 28th March 2009
Bring: Picnic and Canldes in
windfree holders.
Event: Lights off from 8:30 - 9:30
Music: Acoustic - bring your own
and join up with others.
This is an Electricity free event !
Please grab all your Friends and Family and join us !!!
Thanks to Petronella for making this happen
Anka & Naja
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