Thursday, September 04, 2008

Empowering Your Journey

Dear Soulgroup Souls ~

We share a group consciousness. So when I draw the cards, I ask:
“Please give me what Soulgroup needs to know right now”

Express your Power with Love
(Drawn from HEALING WITH THE ANGELS created by Doreen Virtue)

Shed the past and soar
(Drawn from the SOUL LESSONS AND SOUL PURPOSE deck created by Sonia Choquette)

Be bold and take charge
(Drawn from the POWER ANIMAL ORACLE deck created by Steven.D.Farmer Ph.D)

Express your unique voice
(Drawn from the BODY/MIND MAKEOVER deck created by Mona Lisa Schulz MD PHD)



“You now allow yourself to express your power.
Being powerful is safe for you, knowing that you express your power with love”

You have all the power of your Creator within you!

All the power of Divine love, wisdom, and intelligence is available to you. You have the spiritual power to tap into the universal wisdom of the One Mind. You have emotional power to empathise with others, and physical power that is truly unlimited.
The angels ask you to give them any fears you may have connected with being a powerful person. Your angels see a quiet and beautiful aspect of your true power, stemming from the only power in the universe: Divine Love.

Allow yourself to shine with this radiant love so that your true power can radiate out into the world in miraculous ways.


Each card in this deck focuses on a specific aspect of your soul’s purpose, and addresses the particular soul lesson necessary to achieve that purpose. In this way we flush out and eliminate all obstacles to peace of mind and spiritual growth. Each card shows how to step away from the illusions of your ego and reconnect even more with your Divine Spirit.

Shed the past and soar

Can you sense that one phase of your life is ending and a new one is beginning?

Do you feel that you’re on the verge of exciting new possibilities but aren’t sure where they’ll come from?

Does it seem that your life as you know it is crumbling before your eyes?

You aren’t imagining things, nor are you in danger. You’re simply breaking free from past karma and releasing your spirit to a greater tomorrow.

YOUR SOUL’S PURPOSE right now, like a butterfly finding its way out of its cocoon, is to shed the past and soar to new heights. You’re on the threshold of spreading your spiritual wings in brand new directions of understanding, and embracing your full potential. This is a very exciting time, and well worth preparing for.

Clear the decks and release what no longer attracts you.
Step away from things, situations, and people that bring you no joy or vitality, because you can’t reach out for something greater if you don’t first drop what’s in your hand. You’re entering spiritual adulthood, able to fully engage with life on your terms.

Change can be difficult, but don’t be afraid: even the butterfly as it emerges from the cocoon thinks that it is dying. All that’s ending is an old, stagnant self that no longer serves your spirit, so turn your fear into action.

Who are you today, and what do you want to experience right now? The answer is unfolding, and you’ll love what you discover. Nothing stands in your way.


“Be bold and take charge”

You’re being called to take a role of leadership, and it’s natural for certain fears and considerations to surface, such as:

“Will I be seen as arrogant, bullying, or full of myself? Will others listen to me? Will I be challenged?”

Well, the truth is, these are all possible.

You just need to get over it, rise above these mind-made fears, and heed the call.

Whether you realise it or not, you’re a natural leader, and there’s no need to diminish the hard-earned skills you learned through life lessons just so you can play it safe. What you have to offer is needed right now, whether it is with your partner, your family, your community, or the larger world around you.

You will be judged. Count on it. And you need to hear these judgements, yet not allow them to rule you.

Don’t mistake ego-driven stubbornness and wilfulness for determination. Listen to the voice of your inner nature and the wisdom gathered from experience to guide your choices.

Acknowledge that everyone else has to make their own choices – including their response to you.

Remember that effective leaders are good listeners. They know when to follow and when to lead, and when to move forward and when to hold still.

Stealth; Leadership; Focus; Conviction
Cougar is associated with leadership and teaches decisiveness in the use of personal power.

Those with cougar medicine should pay attention to how their speech and their actions affect others. Make sure you are not speaking too sharply or holding on to something too tightly.

Cougar is a difficult totem to have because it continually places you in a position to be a target for the problems of others. Its power, strength and assertiveness are often misunderstood. You would be wise to listen to cougar and let it teach you how to balance intention, power and strength in everything you do.

Those with cougar medicine have past life connections relating to power and leadership. When the cougar selects you as its student be prepared for the ride of your life. It can shred you into little pieces (dissolve karma and identity) then put you back together again with a pure heart and purpose.

True leadership through gentle assertiveness is what cougar teaches.
- Sayahda


§ This deck is divided into 10 suits: Sadness, Anger, Fear, Love, Joy, Self-Esteem, Goals, Relationships, Society & Healthy Body

§ The deck works on the principle that our external environment reflects what’s going on in our emotions & thoughts, so each card deals with various thought patterns that are affecting our lives

Card drawn: Living in Society, Card 5

Express your unique voice

The unhealthy thought pattern associated with this card:
“My voice can’t be heard.
What I have to offer doesn’t matter”

People who are scared of expressing themselves are usually afraid that they’ll be criticised, rejected, or embarrassed.

The truth is, it’s possible to have our ideas criticised and rejected if we speak our mind. However, if our relationships are loving and supportive, the people in our lives will still love and accept us even if they disagree with us.

It’s important to see that even if our point of view isn’t popular, our unique voice is skilfully expressed.

Your healthy thought to affirm:
“My unique voice is an authentic part of the life force that needs to be expressed”

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