The Prior History position reveals past experience, challenge, or issues that may have an influence on current perspective or level of intimacy.
The Princess of Rods in this position suggests that having come on the heels of an urgent message, expression, or sign of encouragement, found perhaps in sports, at work, or in stereotypical male arenas, the sparks might have been flying, and with this Princess having taken the romantic initiative with both hands, she could have experienced an identity-defining moment, sexual liberation, infatuation, a new love connection, or consummation that may have improved her image. This may have been a time of figuring things out for herself; of developing aim, image, self-control, or testing willpower, courage, and endurance, but this could have been a recreational, amateurish conquest, an ego boost, or even done on a dare, so you shouldn't have expected any real commitment, promises, or professions of love, except maybe in the heat of frenzied passion. In reminding you that there is a first time for everything, this rookie thrill-seeker, young lover, or apprentice player might have piqued your curiosity by thrusting herself at you, or parading her toys, gadgets, props, accessories, or other goodies as a way to impress, gain trust, get you to let down your guard, come out of the closet, or to be more experimenting in the bedroom, and as long as you had been ready to play the game, weren't afraid to take a leap of faith or to look foolish in the excitement. There is also a chance that amidst the fertile growing pangs or attention-getting mating rituals, a birth or pregnancy could have occurred, so if this had not been your will or intention, hopefully you took pains to protect yourself ahead of time, for in the heat of the moment, or in the novelty of the seduction, it may have been too hard to say "no" and you could have been stuck with the consequences despite her romantic or idealized vision for stepping up to the plate.

The Personal Level Of Intimacy position offers a look at inner strengths, hindrances, interests, experience, or self awareness that may affect results, your romantic status, or that may stem from your prior history.
The Ten of Nuggets (reversed) in this position suggests that money doesn't buy happiness or love, and you might feel unappreciated, unprotected or disconnected; like the black sheep, or the "bastard" at the family reunion who may not be making sound or legitimate decisions for the future; may never really feel like "one of them," or may not be satisfied with your slice of the American Dream Pie. Loyalties might be divided, unreciprocated, or there may be an indecent proposal, cheating, or intergenerational rift, perhaps between in laws, or over inheritance or communication, but you might not have the support, assistance, commitment, or bond to validate this undefined sense of being put out; burdened; disrespected, or not being part of the greater whole. Restricted leisure time or shopping, nostalgia for the old neighborhood, a lost love, or for simpler times before deals went bad, roles were reversed, or you assumed your place in the social, familial, or economic "village," might find you struggling with resentment or disillusionment over the stagnation of romantic ideas or private time. You make the best of it, however, and do what you've got to do, although fleeting thoughts of being on the "wrong side of the tracks" might tend to dismiss any self imposed isolation as for the best, such as settling low, taking your offer "off the market" or under the table, or being out of circulation altogether; perhaps because of the demands of business, or to avoid public embarrassment, disgrace, intimacy, the competition in the "meat market;" even homelessness, being used, or in a poor or seedy environment. You might feel as though your choices are limited or that someone else is making them for you, particularly if you are dealing with visitation, in laws, or an ex; the loss, upset, widowhood, retirement, or disability of a patriarch or head of the family or community that has affected the occasion, commemoration, or your standard of living, or has led to a divorce, disbandment, disturbance, or strain of your family ties because of financial or domestic instability or hardship.

The Romantic Status or Dilemma position reveals possible developments, situations, difficulties, or challenges that you may be encountering in your relationship or love life, along with practical suggestions for getting the most out of this current phase or experience.
The Wholeness in this position suggests that fools rush in, but in this case, a patient testing of the waters may be more appropriate in order to determine romantic compatibility. Be willing to try something new or creative to gain or maintain balance between the demands of daily life, and the emotional or romantic needs that might have been taking a back seat, and you can make moderate but consistent progress towards your relationship goals. Take it one day at a time. If you are trying to get pregnant, now may be the time.