Wednesday, January 14, 2009

RE: call on peace

Dear Colleen


Yes, I am very excited about getting my first group together.  My husband and I are currently negotiating with the owners of Oak Grove Farm about our future here.  There will be a few delays before I shall be in a position to confirm a date. I’m thinking late May/June…  I have only glanced at the documents thus far, but today printed the host one and will begin there. 


I began this letter to you last year… before I even went to your website and requested to host your Apple Tree Groups. 


Thank you for your continued email support throughout the year.  I trust you don’t mind that from time to time I share your wonderful words of wisdom on my blog.


I wish to share with you a little poem I spontaneously made up the night before last.


I wandered lonely as a cloud

inspired these words inside my mind

The poet in me is still beside

Yet churns the world where none may hide


It comes to me in moments like this

That all I need do is follow my bliss

My search for an answer was all that I wished

Yet changing the questions made You the plot miss


The Miss in my plot in the drama of life

Is quick with her wit but causes much strife

She smiles and she stretches

and balances with pride


The team in her corner’s

Not Little Jack Horner

In fact there are angels

Among us galore


I now challenge You and Your directional glare

To help me ensconce a patriotic snare

When we hold hands and sift out poisonous blots

We’ll end up quite clean of inconsiderate clots.


Please excuse the poetic licence when it comes to poetic syntax, but I didn’t want to try and make it better.



Philippa Castle

082 943 4327

028 341 0570

P Consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?


From: Colleen-Joy []
Sent: 25 November 2008 10:11 AM
Subject: call on peace


Dear Philippa


Just as light is NOT the absence of darkness, but darkness is the absence of light - so too, peace is not the absence of fear, but fear is the absence of peace. Don't fight fear, but rather actively call on peace and bring it to your heart.


When there is no peace in your heart, then fear is there. Fear is empty. It is the empty space that is left when peace is evicted. When peace fills you, fear which is like a dark room, is now filled with light and you feel different. The fear is replaced by truth, which brings peace, but always.


When you are afraid, or feeling empty, when you feel in the dark - remember that fear is just emptiness, and emptiness is fear. They are like rooms in your heart that are empty of light. Take a deep breath. Embrace your fear or emptiness with compassion, and then call on Peace. Open to new ways of seeing your situation, open to new insights and a new experience. Call peace and feel it gently surround you like a warm blanket, to hold and comfort you. Call peace into your heart.


My wish for you at this time, as the year closes, is that you will learn to find this. It will be your greatest gift, first to yourself and then to all those you touch.


May peace be with you,




The Colleen-Joy™ Company

InnerLifeSkills™ Training, motivational talks and coaching
Tel:  (+27 11) 4691666 ,Fax:(+27) 088 011 4691666 



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