Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sunshine & Love... for a little R and R

The Nine of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in realization. I am not my mistakes. I can't do this alone or pretend any more. The illusion of comfort in denial or sacrifice is no longer mine. There is no shame in my suffering -- no healing in silent self-torment. It is here at the surreal crossroads of the "soul search" where dawning truth meets the anguish of overwhelming resistance in mind over matter that I can finally wake up, change my mind, let go of what no longer works or own my losses or choices. I am empowered by intense acknowledgment or epiphany and my virtue is gratitude or relief in recognition.

I'd Like to Shine a Little Light on Love and get You to Read between the Lines. I have crossed the Railway line and the Rubicon and I am Ready for my Return. This is neither to startle nor shock, merely play with with the thoughts and the words that spill forth from my mind, for FUN is the name of this game. We are "virtually" on the same wavelength, so with all my love and fondest personal humour...

This is a lesson on the Single Lens Reflex - or perhaps it's just simply all about S's, L's & R's and Silly Little Rhymes...

  1. Stay Lightly Randy
  2. Stop Lighting Roll-ups
  3. Stage Legal Rights
  4. Start Lotsa Romps
  5. Sleep Lekker Rustic
  6. Sing Lullaby Rhapsodies
  7. Single Lane Road
  8. Soul Love Refines
  9. Sensitive Lovers Reality
  10. Streaming Light Reveals
  11. Scantily Layered Rascal
  12. Smoothly Licking Raspberries
  13. Sexily...

Steven Segal Sylvestor Stallone Lord Lucan Lady Lite Robert Redford - OR was it a red NISSAN? I cannot remember and it doesn't matter, I am simply enjoing the ride!

There is a BRASS BELL somewhere that needs ringing, talking about ringing, I hear champagne corks. Oh yes, now I remember, Corks in the Bay - there in the False Bay! I've seen a ship ablaze with fire at that harbour, I have seen a ship sunk in the waves crashing over that harbour wall, I have nearly run aground on the reef whilst paddling a raft behind the harbour wall, I have removed red bait from the rocky shoreline by the harbour at spring low tides, I have caught Blaashoppies and other such delightful creatures from the harbour wall, I have swum with an Octopus in the adjacent tidal pool, I have stood on the wall and had the waves crash over an wash me into the tidal pool, I have been under the adjacent subway many, many times and a couple of times over the lines... BUT, JUST ONCE, I FORGOT TO LOOK LEFT...

Oh, talking about looking... Look for a little Unplanned Sunshine :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

My commitment to you...

The Ace of Swords card suggests that my power today lies in cause and effect. With great power comes great responsibility. Do the right thing or state the obvious and the 'pen will be mightier than the Sword.' The truth will set me free. It's the principle of the thing. Get it in writing. I am empowered by intention and my virtue is my promise, commitment or vow. Daily Tarot ~ Thu 2007/06/14 07:49 AM

My commitment to Reiki Holistic Healing and Bach Flower Therapy for pets (and their human friends) is perhaps not set in stone, but I put it out there in pixels and kilobytes ad infinitum...

I am, as always, at your service...

I decided today to take this blog to the next level. My dearest big sister, Heather, the flower that she is, is promoting Dazer, a dog deterrent device for controlling aggressive or otherwise disobedient dogs. This is a non-intrusive tool for the person who does not wish to interact directly or physically with the animal, but wishes to deter them from anti-social behaviours as well as being a non-intrusive method for Pet Training.

Keep an eye on this site and the FAQ's and Testimonials.