Monday, August 27, 2007
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Psychic Healing...

The Knight of Chalices card suggests that my power today lies in passion. Pursuing and expressing my hearts desire honors my love, passion, and beauty and is worth waiting, courting or crusading for. What I lack in external means, qualification or ability, I make up for with a true and dedicated heart. I am not a victim therefore I do not need to be rescued. I am empowered by patience or self-worth and my gift is emotional availability and devotion.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Reiki Holistic Healing

Reiki Holistic Healing & Bach Flower Therapy for Animals
by Philippa E Castle
Reiki is a natural healing method that uses the hands of a healer to channel energy to another person through chakras or energy centers. It has been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki was rediscovered in the mid 1800's by a Japanese born Christian monk, Dr. Mikao Usui, after many years of researching the healing ministries of great healers including Jesus and the Buddha.

Our animal companions bring so much to our lives. Their joy of living is an example to us. Their unconditional love is a model for how we should strive to live our own lives. By offering them the healing that Reiki can offer we give something back to them for all that they have given to us.
Animals respond well to Reiki. Just as in humans, Reiki can be used for all types of illnesses, injuries and emotional problems. Many of the animals treated are also undergoing traditional veterinary care. Reiki sessions promote speedier healing of physical trauma caused by accidents or surgery, remove pain from the animal's body, relieve stress and bring balance. Using Reiki with them can accelerate their healing process, ease pain, improve or help to continue their quality of life. Reiki is often used to energize and revitalize an older animal as well as soothe and calm highly-strung, hyperactive or stressed animals.

Animals enjoy Reiki - the extra attention and feeling of the energy draws them to the Reiki Healer, who sends Reiki via simply patting, stroking or touching the animal. Treatments involving animals rarely last as long as human sessions; they absorb Reiki energy a lot easier than we humans do. Usually, they will not sit still for an entire session - rather they receive Reiki for a few minutes then wander off, returning again a few more times for more healing.
Since Reiki can also be sent effectively from a distance, this means it can be used on animals that are skittish or aggressive without distressing them or risking injury to them, their keepers, or the Healer herself. When treating animals, it is usually best to conduct the healing session in surroundings that they know and feel safe in.
The action of the flower essences raises the vibration of the being.... They cure by flooding the body with the beautiful vibrations of the highest nature - in whose presence there is the opportunity for disease to melt away like snow in sunshine - EDWARD BACH
Flower essence therapy is a form of vibrational healing, which treats with pure energy to generate changes in the energetic field of the patient. Healing with flower essences is an extension of the time-honored tradition of herbal medicine, successfully returning people and animals to balance and health. Flower essence therapy has proven particularly useful in assisting animals that have been abused, neglected or that have become stressed and anxious.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Dear Precious Ones ~
You are a unique and magnificent expression of life.
You are the miracle of love unfolding.
Blessings, Love and Peace
Mary-Ann Dummer
We share a group consciousness. So when we draw the cards, we ask:
“Please give what the soul group needs to know right now”
~ Oceana, and Playfulness ~
(Drawn from MESSAGES FROM YOUR ANGELS & HEALING WITH ANGELS created by Doreen Virtue)
~ Life’s Challenges ~
(Drawn from THE JOURNEY CARDS created by Brandon Bays & Kevin Billett)
~ Hummingbird ~
(Drawn from the INDIAN ANIMAL MEDICINE cards)
~ Healthy Love ~
(Drawn from the BODY/MIND MAKEOVER deck created by Mona Lisa Schulz MD PHD)
Angel Card: Oceana and Playfulness
Note: After drawing “Playfulness" from Healing with Angels, I felt compelled to draw another card from the deck used last month - and re-drew last month’s card! I am therefore including both into this reading.
Take action.
You’re in touch with your truth in this situation, and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself.
Dive right in! There’s no need for more research or time. You can trust your feelings on this one.
I will guide you through the actions that are necessary. Your main concern is to avoid procrastination at all costs.
Break the situation down into small steps so that you don’t become overwhelmed. Then take those steps at regular intervals.
You already know what to do and you have made up your mind to take action. I am here to validate that your decision is on the path of Light.
Although there may be some temporary hard work or emotional turmoil, this will soon be replaced by a lightness of spirit akin to gently floating on a summer breeze.
Sometimes you may feel too emotional or tired to take action. That is because you’re unsure of the “correctness” of your decisions. Usually, unfounded guilt is the culprit that is draining your energy and happiness.
That is when it is very important to call upon the angels to shore up your faith. Notice how the doors open smoothly with each step you take. That is one more sign that you’re taking the best course of action.
Fun and play is the Angels’ way!
They guide you to add fun to your life, and to know that fun is a necessity, not a luxury.
The Angels know that you have a lot of responsibilities, and that you need a steady flow of time, money and other resources. By drawing this card, the Angels want you to know that regular doses of fun can help you accomplish your goals.
You may protest that you don’t have enough time, money or energy to play. Yet, your Angels assure you that playfulness is a wonderful investment that yields immediate returns.
When you have fun and laugh, you relax. This relaxation gives you a greater inflow of ideas, spiritual connections, Divine Guidance, and energy. With the new inspirations and energy, you can better manifest your desires.
Your relaxed and radiant personality attracts wonderful and helpful people to you. Your positive outlook creates new opportunities for you. When you look at life in this way, you can’t afford to not have fun.
Journey Card: Life’s Challenges
These inspiring cards are designed to awaken you to the infinite wisdom within yourself, gently guiding you into the embrace of Grace. Filled with profound contemplations and brief meditations, they invite you into a direct experience of your own enlightened awareness.
Life offers us challenges so we can expand our abilities, stretch our horizons, and strengthen ourselves.
Problems are best solved when we come from the certainty that the solution is already here.
Close your eyes and imagine receiving three balloons filled with empowering internal resources. One is filled with TRUST, one with WISDOM, and one with CLARITY.
Imagine breathing these qualities in right now, letting them suffuse your whole Being.
Now imagine how you’ll feel one year from now, as these qualities permeate your life. Breath how you’ll breathe a year from now, feel how you’ll feel. Look back over the last year and see how effortlessly you faced that old challenge – how easily it was resolved. It may even seem as though it was never really a problem, that Grace somehow handled it.
From the certainty that the challenge has already been handled comes true inspiration. Start from this certainty.
Animal Card: Hummingbird
Sense of Wonder
Hummingbird sings the song of pure joy.
The Hummingbird brings joy to others. She joins people together in relationships… and she has appeared for you today… so get ready to laugh musically and enjoy all of the Creators gifts.
Drop your judgemental attitude and relax. Hummingbird will no doubt give you a flash of spirit, darting here, there, and everywhere. Get ready for a strange new burst of energy which may send your senses reeling.
Never be coarse in front of Hummingbird, for this is a fragile medicine coming your way where beauty and love is the target. Hummingbird’s mission is to spread joy or be destroyed. Hummingbird quickly dies if caged, caught or imprisoned.
Follow Sister Hummingbird and you will soon be filled with joy and experience a RENEWAL of the MAGIC OF LIVING.
Important Hummingbird Teaching: Joy
“The ruby-throated hummingbird is a wonder of migration. Every winter it makes an amazing journey. Some have been known to make a journey of 2500 miles or more, from Alaska to Central America. Because of it, the hummingbird is a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible. It will teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances.”
Copyright: “Animal-Speak”, Ted Andrews
“Hummingbird darts lightly through the world, spreading its message of joy and beauty, and teaching us to appreciate the wonder and magic of everyday existence. Hummingbird brings the gift of joy. Learn to laugh and be happy.”
Copyright: Unknown
Important Hummingbird Teaching: Transcending Time
“Hummingbird shows us how to re-visit the past for the purpose of releasing it instead of being caught in a permanently backward flight pattern. It also helps us to see that if we step aside we may see our life differently. Hummingbird teaches us to transcend time, to recognize that what has happened in the past and what might happen in the future is not nearly as important as what we are experiencing now. It teaches us to hover in the moment, to appreciate its sweetness.”
Copyright: Beyond the Rainbow (Constance Barrett Sohodski)
Hummingbird’s Teachings Include:
“Hummingbird is a very good sign. She is a good-luck messenger. She takes our prayers to the Great Creator. She is a doctor and healer. The Hummingbird has the power to travel long distances under great odds and obstacles.”
Copyright: “Spirits of the Earth”, Bobby Lake-Thom
Mind/Body Card: Healthy Love
§ This deck is divided into 10 suits: Sadness, Anger, Fear, Love, Joy, Self-Esteem, Goals, Relationships, Society & Healthy Body
§ The deck works on the principle that our external environment reflects what’s going on in our emotions & thoughts, so each card deals with various thought patterns that are affecting our lives
§ The cards can be drawn upright or reversed – revealing either a positive/healthy thought pattern to be affirmed as a healing tool, or a negative/unhealthy thought pattern which needs to be acknowledged and “turned around” to the positive one
Card drawn: Healthy Love suit, Card 5
The unhealthy thought pattern associated with this card:
“If I love someone, it means that it becomes harder for me to speak my mind, especially if I’m angry”
For any relationship to stay healthy, it’s important to regularly clean out the emotional “lint trap”.
If we’ve been hurt and do nothing, resentment builds up, like weeds taking over a garden, and the love dies. Learning to effectively communicate our feelings can transform any problem or challenging situation.
Drawn REVERSED. Your healthy thought to adopt and affirm:
“In a loving relationship, by taking appropriate action and communicating directly, I can transform any troubling situation, problem, or obstacle”
Please feel free to share this reading with anyone who you feel may benefit from it.
To subscribe, email soulgroup@mweb.co.za
This service seeks to preserve the soul group connection and continue the transformational work started by Renee Prinsloo, founder of Heaven on Earth
Colleen-Joy Page weekly teachings on relationships
From: Colleen-Joy Page [mailto:colleen@transformationpages.co.za]
Sent: 09 July 2007 07:35 AM
Subject: Colleen-Joy Page weekly teachings on relationships
Hi Philippa
Teaching on: Relationships
“The most important thing relationships hope to teach us is accountability for our own issues. We are often blind to the fact that relationships do reflect our issues back to us in a very real and sometimes painful way. Relationships therefore offer profound opportunities for growth.
Sometimes we want another to love us perfectly because we are afraid or stopping ourselves from loving ourselves completely – flaws and all.
Interestingly, the qualities in others that ‘get to us’ are often actually reflected unhealed qualities in us. For example, if you are too responsible and afraid of making mistakes – you will be upset by what you perceive to be irresponsible qualities in others or people making mistakes. The perfectionist striving to be perfect is afraid of imperfection and therefore will judge and be upset by the imperfections in others. If you suppress what you want to say, people who speak freely and openly may irritate you.
Our relationships do reflect us back to ourselves, and like mirrors they are paradoxically the same image but in reverse. Relationships therefore often trigger our buttons, that’s their job, so that we can find our buttons and heal them ourselves. Blaming or running will not heal our wounds or buttons.
Sometimes we think that we are being courageous by shutting our hearts to others, but in fact it takes more courage to stand in the fire with someone and love ourselves free.” Colleen-Joy Page
If this teaching resonates with you and speaks to your truth…. then you can also….
Take a moment to think about, or meditate on, how this message may be relevant and useful to your life right now? How can you turn this teaching into a tool that will make a difference in your life? What 3 things can you do starting right now to use this teaching to make a positive difference in your life?
Be all you were born to be...
Look out for next week’s teaching.
With Love,
Colleen-Joy Page
Tel: (+27 11) 708 0000, 708 4942 / 4943
Fax: (+27 11) 708 0962
I'd love to share more of my tools and skills with you. To find out about my digital format home study courses, email reply and I'll send you more info.
Copyright 2007 © Colleen-Joy Page, All rights reserved.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sunshine & Love... for a little R and R

I'd Like to Shine a Little Light on Love and get You to Read between the Lines. I have crossed the Railway line and the Rubicon and I am Ready for my Return. This is neither to startle nor shock, merely play with with the thoughts and the words that spill forth from my mind, for FUN is the name of this game. We are "virtually" on the same wavelength, so with all my love and fondest personal humour...
This is a lesson on the Single Lens Reflex - or perhaps it's just simply all about S's, L's & R's and Silly Little Rhymes...
- Stay Lightly Randy
- Stop Lighting Roll-ups
- Stage Legal Rights
- Start Lotsa Romps
- Sleep Lekker Rustic
- Sing Lullaby Rhapsodies
- Single Lane Road
- Soul Love Refines
- Sensitive Lovers Reality
- Streaming Light Reveals
- Scantily Layered Rascal
- Smoothly Licking Raspberries
- Sexily...
Steven Segal Sylvestor Stallone Lord Lucan Lady Lite Robert Redford - OR was it a red NISSAN? I cannot remember and it doesn't matter, I am simply enjoing the ride!
There is a BRASS BELL somewhere that needs ringing, talking about ringing, I hear champagne corks. Oh yes, now I remember, Corks in the Bay - there in the False Bay! I've seen a ship ablaze with fire at that harbour, I have seen a ship sunk in the waves crashing over that harbour wall, I have nearly run aground on the reef whilst paddling a raft behind the harbour wall, I have removed red bait from the rocky shoreline by the harbour at spring low tides, I have caught Blaashoppies and other such delightful creatures from the harbour wall, I have swum with an Octopus in the adjacent tidal pool, I have stood on the wall and had the waves crash over an wash me into the tidal pool, I have been under the adjacent subway many, many times and a couple of times over the lines... BUT, JUST ONCE, I FORGOT TO LOOK LEFT...
Oh, talking about looking... Look for a little Unplanned Sunshine :)

Thursday, June 14, 2007
My commitment to you...